Horacio Villegas, the mystic who foretold the rise of Donald Trump to the presidency, has shared yet another chilling prophecy. Way back in 2015 before the political world started taking Trump’s campaign seriously, Villegas correctly foretold that Trump would be the next U.S. president.
But, here is where things get even stranger. Villegas didn’t just reveal that Trump would be the next president, but that “the billionaire businessman would become the “illuminati king” who will “ bring the world into WW3”.
Sounds far-fetched, but some are taking note as Villegas is a man with a renowned innate gift for chillingly accurate political prophecies. He predicted that Trump would attack Syria this month. He predicted that the attack on Syria would draw Russia, North Korea and China into a heated conflict that will start a deadly global war.
The only thing Villegas has predicted that has yet to happen is a global nuclear war. Which he warns will be starting soon on….
Continue reading on page 2 to see the date Villegas foresees WW3 starting.
About time. Though if the record of previous predictions gives us any idea, I think we will be disappointed.
David Newton, I copied and pasted this paragraph so you dont have ro read the whole stupid article. If this Nuclear Holocaust happens, (which I highly doubt), You do whatever it is that you do. If I’m still alive I’m going to rape and pillage until the cancer gets me.
I think we are on WW 4 now. WW 3 ended when the USSR collapsed.
Yeah that day doesn’t work for me.
I’ll put it in the box with Ronald Reagan being the Antichrist, Y2K and 2012.
Blah blah blah.
Same chick also said a Obama would be the last US president
Bring it
You know I long for the days that our politicians used to govern from the center rather than pander to you far right extremists and the far left nut cases.
Walter, future events cannot be predicted because of quadrillion of variables happening in the present tense. At best people can predict future events based off of probabilities. Biblical prophecy when given to humans is at best given with imagery, and symbolism. Even prophecy is not specifically given with a time and or date. Aliens by definition are very real, because aliens are defined as any life form with higher intelligence, and foreign to our planet. Angels are by definition, and for all intents and purposes “aliens”.