Horacio Villegas, the mystic who foretold the rise of Donald Trump to the presidency, has shared yet another chilling prophecy. Way back in 2015 before the political world started taking Trump’s campaign seriously, Villegas correctly foretold that Trump would be the next U.S. president.
But, here is where things get even stranger. Villegas didn’t just reveal that Trump would be the next president, but that “the billionaire businessman would become the “illuminati king” who will “ bring the world into WW3”.
Sounds far-fetched, but some are taking note as Villegas is a man with a renowned innate gift for chillingly accurate political prophecies. He predicted that Trump would attack Syria this month. He predicted that the attack on Syria would draw Russia, North Korea and China into a heated conflict that will start a deadly global war.
The only thing Villegas has predicted that has yet to happen is a global nuclear war. Which he warns will be starting soon on….
Continue reading on page 2 to see the date Villegas foresees WW3 starting.
When has a Mystic ever been correct? NEVER!
If 365,000 people each predict a different day, that will cover the next 1000 years. Maybe one of them will get it right?
I stopped my 401K participation and started experimenting with hard drugs.Hope he isn’t wrong.
There was a blind Bulgarian born woman who supposedly had an 85% success rate in predictions. She predicted 9/12, Brexit, the birth of Isis and that our 44th president would be black. She predicted that the 44th president would be the last president, that there’d not be a 45th. She was wrong. You can google her. Her name was Baba Vanga. She died in 1996, at the age of 85.
Very interesting!
What to we do Kevin ? Get our bug out bags and out run the nukes ?
That’s after you and a couple others move of course lol.
WW3 started on 9/11/01
Mysticism is evil and from the Devil and by the way I predicted Donald Trump presidency I predicted the attack on Syria and I predicted North Korea and China would start to go at it soon so guess what I’m a Christian and I predicted that too it’s just freaking following the news and coming to a common logical conclusion excuse me. Also there’s the Bible that pretty much accurately predicts all of this stuff also. Goodbye off to church now to Worship the Lord Jesus Christ
I don’t buy it.. but if it does so be it.. your will be done Lord God.. as you would have it… not i