The nerve of the celebrity left to engage in virtue signaling and preaching is beyond comprehension.
Former Pussycat Dolls member Kaya Jones came out today with a series of sickening revelations regarding the dark underbelly of abuse terrorizing Hollywood.
Pretty young naïve girls thrown into the fast-paced world of showbiz are drugged and forced into prostitution. Furthermore, Jones shares that this sick twisted world often leaks down to the realm of child stars. And nothing is more disgusting than a strong powerful adult deliberately abusing and breaking the minds and bodies of children.
Continue to the next page to hear former Pussycat Dolls member Kayla Jones share how the group was run like a prostitution ring.
So hard to get past the fact this woman is trying to act like we should be shocked that the burlesque troupe she joined turned music group acted like a prostitution ring. No s**t. You don’t say. Our IQs are above 50 we knew that. But, I know that approach will kill the story and it needs to be all shocking new testimony Hollywood is pedo rape filled cesspool of evil (which it is). But…
The self-proclaimed champions of morality, Hollywood and the left, are the worst violators of morality. They’re constantly projecting their own behaviors on conservatives. Sickening!
Hollywood immoral losers
I read it and sad. But when i was young i was offerex drugs just like her abd i chose to say NO. So i believe hollywood is discusting. I believe this is a choice u chose to say yes to. Those pussycat doll girls where adults and in my ip8nino she not taking responsibility for her choices she made for the fame and money
She took the check.
And all the hollyweird sleaze bags have the nerve to talk about Trump!
The domino effect..get the popcorn pull up a seat it’s gonna get good. I swear the squirming sound coming from the west is deafening.
And you loved every bit of it, so shut up.
yeah yeah yeah. I was in a prostitution ring too.
I always had a feeling something was amiss.