In this interview, ex-NYPD Detective Harry Houck tells us how Muslims embed Sharia-law-only zones into countries as part of their grand plan for Islamic domination of the world.
Of course, we all know France is riddled with these no-go zones – where anyone who isn’t Muslim, including police, can’t enter. When Christians, or anyone who isn’t Muslim for that matter, enter these zones violence often occurs.
4 angry Kafirs vs 1 lousy. Arrogant SHITHOLE muslim
Islsm will soon vanish from the face of the earth.
click on
click on
So scary!
Lmao you mean just like the homeschool christian communities found all around Columbus Georgia? Sharia law is already here! Abortion clinic bombings ring a bell? U believe there was an incident just recently where a guy rammed his truck into one….and every mass shooting so far has been a country or country suburban brought up christian white guy….christians ate the terrorists here just like the Taliban is there….
Send them back send them all back
Stop this$#%&!@*Deport them all
Anyone who thinks it won’t happen is a fool. Muslims will infiltrate and spread sharia law quietly in western nations. It will happen with the help of the liberals and liberals won’t even realize that they endangered our culture until it’s to late. Muslims are getting into positions of power and acting like they are peaceful and wanting to be a part of western society. It is nothing but an ACT. They are comparable to “Sleeper Cells.” When the time is right, they will act and bring western civilization to its knees. Be prepared because the time is coming and you will have liberals and the MSM to thank for it.