In this interview, ex-NYPD Detective Harry Houck tells us how Muslims embed Sharia-law-only zones into countries as part of their grand plan for Islamic domination of the world.
Of course, we all know France is riddled with these no-go zones – where anyone who isn’t Muslim, including police, can’t enter. When Christians, or anyone who isn’t Muslim for that matter, enter these zones violence often occurs.
The United States is called the melting pot and is based on immigrants coming to the U.S. and assimilating into the communities, getting jobs and living peacefully. This has been the way since our country was founded with immigrants from all countries. Why should we make an exception for Muslims? Why do these foreigners get to dictate to us how and who we should allow into our country? Why should they dictate to us which laws they intend to break? Is it because they are intimidating us with their terrorist attacks starting with 9/11? Is it because we are afraid of the new bully in town? In the past, our country was strong and prosperous because we stood up to the bullies and war criminals. Lately, we set war criminals in Gitmo free to attack us again. If these war criminsls were Nazis, would we have set them freee?
Not in America.
Islam is a$#%&!@*religion they need to ban it from america
Not while I am on this Earth!
This is federal law ! Time to start enforcing this !
Get them all out of this country !
Right out in front of everybody?
Deport now…..nasty muslims will take over america and kill us all….
When this happens load the bus and ship there$#%&!@*back on a sinking ship