In this interview, ex-NYPD Detective Harry Houck tells us how Muslims embed Sharia-law-only zones into countries as part of their grand plan for Islamic domination of the world.
Of course, we all know France is riddled with these no-go zones – where anyone who isn’t Muslim, including police, can’t enter. When Christians, or anyone who isn’t Muslim for that matter, enter these zones violence often occurs.
How about this. If religion can not be taught in public schools then Islam can’t be taught either. So if this is true then the Federal Government does not recognize Islam as a religion. Therefore all school boards must reclassify Islam to history. Oust the boards if they don’t.
We have dearborn Michigan that has some pretty extreme areas that are completely unsafe for anyone who doesn’t worship satan(just because they call it allah doesn’t take away from the fact that only satan would create such a vicious religion)
They are blind to the truth, it is exactly what they want…..I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ comes back before our children and grandchildren have to suffer!!!
The wh is full of muslims, bho/barry has appointed them to most of the Gov Depts are headed by muslims!!!!!
There should be no Sharia Law, this is the United States of America!
DEATH to islam
Nuke em!
Obama is to blame.
yup, all part of their 3-step plan for taking over a country from within. This site explains it.