In this highly important interview by a former Muslim turned Christian, Pastor Mulinde, who was mutilated by his former ‘peaceful’ Muslim brethren, shares with us the dangers that Islam presents to the West, including the strategies they’re currently using against us.
This primarily includes our fear of not speaking up against the infiltration of this nation by Muslim terrorist organizations.
I do to because they are going to be Obamas spies and tell him everything that is going on. That’s why Obama put them there so when he left office he could keep up with things for his on agenda. Obama is a snake in the grass. He will be right up there with the UN. Still trying to turn us into a one world order.
Then tell all the coward’s that left go back and don’t come to us for handouts we don’t want any bs here
Mr. Rodney Case it’s your government that invent terror and sending them to those countries that are rich with natural resources as they ruined Africa and enslaved thier people!
No Lykah they (islam) have shown there TRUE meaning. So sad.
He’s still wielding his poison pen.
Muslims have no rights but jail and deported and death
Any retard knows this. The smart people among us voted for a man who will stop these animals from entering our country.
Thanks to him for speaking out!
The pope is anti-American communist muslim loving$#%&!@*