In this highly important interview by a former Muslim turned Christian, Pastor Mulinde, who was mutilated by his former ‘peaceful’ Muslim brethren, shares with us the dangers that Islam presents to the West, including the strategies they’re currently using against us.
This primarily includes our fear of not speaking up against the infiltration of this nation by Muslim terrorist organizations.
“What difference at this point does it make?”
I think TRUMP should fire all the Muslims that OBAMA gave high positions to cause no they r with in that is where we can b hurt the most
Then maybe you should move to their country BC we don’t need any more Muslim sympathizer cause Lord knows we have enough
They are called Democrats.
No defeat
The intimidation and lies are causing us as a nation to be cowards! Liberals are at the root! Stand up to them all, they are stomping on our rights to force an acceptance of everything that is against how we as moral and free people live! Up to us to stop saying “their rights” and say “we have rights too” and stand up against their bullying!
I’ll be defeated by Islam when I take my last breath laying in a pile of hot brass.
Mr. Rodney CaseI live in my country and tell your stupid government to mind thier own business not attack our region with stupid people because you have real terrorists in white house
I reject the Pope’s words saying Quran is compared to the Bible…I believe one will stand and the other disappear…and I can’t believe that Muhammad the prophet was good if Muslim are smacking wives or beating or torturing or killing or even raping and wedding six years old….how can we be taught to forgive our enemies and not kill or lie or deceive when this Ideology does everything Christian faith is against??? What was the Pope thinking when he said the Quran is like the Bible.
I think Obama has gotten Americans to fight blacks against whites so that we don’t see all the bad things he’s trying to get away with in his last days in office and of corse BLM is falling right into his plans. Open your eyes people Muslims are trying to take over. We need to banned together as 1 nation, if we don’t want this to happed