In this highly important interview by a former Muslim turned Christian, Pastor Mulinde, who was mutilated by his former ‘peaceful’ Muslim brethren, shares with us the dangers that Islam presents to the West, including the strategies they’re currently using against us.
This primarily includes our fear of not speaking up against the infiltration of this nation by Muslim terrorist organizations.
dont believe this guy, better safe than sorry.
X Muslim my$#%&!@*that rubber lip blue gum basterd will still take a big big knife and cut your dam head off in a heart beat !!!!!
Let these clowns go back to Mohammed land and kill themselves….keep automatics distance…keep safe…shut your eyes ears and mouth and squeeze trigger whenever required
Joshua Helix Guzman Really? There are thousands of Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan, but only 100 showed up for a rally against ISIS and “Islamophobia” in November 2015. And earlier that month, only 30 Muslims protested against the jihad massacres in Paris. In July 2015, a Muslim rally in Ireland against the Islamic State drew fifty people. In October 2014 in Houston, a rally against the Islamic State organized by the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) drew the grand total of ten people. In August 2013 in Boston, about 25 Muslims rallied against “misperceptions” that Islam was violent. About the same number showed up in June 2013 at a progressive Muslim rally in Toronto to claim that their religion had been “hijacked.”
And back in 2005, a group called the Free Muslims Coalition held what it dubbed a “Free Muslims March Against Terror,” intending to “send a message to the terrorists and extremists that their days are numbered … and to send a message to the people of the Middle East, the Muslim world and all people who seek freedom, democracy and peaceful coexistence that we support them.” In the run-up to the event it got enthusiastic national and international publicity, but it ended up drawing about twenty-five people.
Contrast those paltry showings to the thousands of Muslims who have turned out for rallies against cartoons of Muhammad or against Israel. Here are some headlines from the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre of Muhammad cartoonists in January 2015: …..
God Bless You.
They burnt up a brother!!
Deception is part of it. They will say anything to try and convince us that they are “peaceful”.
No real religion worships a child rapist and murderer.
There is nothing peaceful about rhat.
Learn islam and quran first!obviously u dont know nothing. U only rely from this hatred websites,pages and memes
Stop spreading lies and hate$#%&!@*!