As virulently anti-American as many within the Islamic faith are, those who have left Islam or who have lived in Islamic societies can frequently offer some of the most eloquent remarks in favor of our nation and its institutions. Put another way, some of our greatest opponents can become some of our greatest supporters.
Once a Muslim, especially a fundamentalist Muslim, sees that religion for the oppressive institution it is, the path to freedom gets a bit brighter. Countries where some form Islamic fundamentalism is the rule, oppression and the abridgment of human rights are also the rule. Iran and Saudi Arabia, while practicing different and incompatible forms of Islam, are good examples.
Whether the person is an ex-Muslim, or has just lived under its rule, we can gain much by studying that person’s thoughts. More on page two.
Wake up people they are doing and saying whatever it takes to over throw our country
worthless freak….
They are occupiersnot migrants
Obama, set them up here to take over , thats why theres CAIR, here, and purposely tried to destroy America with bankrupty
Deport them all
He needs to meet a few of our special forces friends
He needs to go back home , Deport them all
This is “news”? People who pay attention have been screaming this for years now. Libbies refuse to listen even when Muslims themselves say it. They do NOT assimilate, they infiltrate and destroy. See what’s going on in Germany, Sweden and Britain right now!!! The same thing that has happened everywhere these 7th Century Barbarians have goon for over 1,000 years!
If you want islam,goto an Islamic country and leave ours alone!
That is true!