A recent statement released by the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers tells us that the massive flood of immigrant children pouring into the US is a deliberate, orchestrated event by the Obama Administration:
“This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes,” the statement reads.
Indeed, the administration basically told illegals that if their kids show up here they won’t be deported with through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Within the next 2 weeks we could witness many thousands come across the border, which will collapse the system. This reported by Fox.
So if this is a deliberately orchestrated event, WHY would Obama do this?
It’s obvious they will want to keep them here. It is simply to gain more democratic voters? Is it a move to create a state of emergency so they instigate martial law, a ‘practice run’ for the nation, if you will?
“Certainly, we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States government,” the officers said.
“Anyone that has taken two six- to seven-year-old children to an amusement park can only imagine the problems associated with bringing thousands of unaccompanied children that age up through Mexico and into the United States.”
Republicans are blaming Obama’s immigration policies for enticing the illegals, particularly the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program launched in 2012, which recently was renewed.
More than 33,000 have been caught in Texas alone over the last eight months, the report said, overwhelming Border Patrol capabilities.
A federal judge even concluded the White House “has simply chosen not to enforce … border security laws.”
FoxNews.com reported this week Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer calls the situation a “creation” of the federal government, and Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., assigned blame for the “calamity” to Obama.
Fox News reported it had obtained a memo from an official with Customs and Border Protection who said the current policies are serving as an incentive for illegal aliens to sneak into the U.S.
“If the U.S. government fails to deliver adequate consequences to deter aliens from attempting to illegally enter the U.S., the result will be an even greater increase in the rate of recidivism and first-time illicit entries,” said Ronald Vitiello, a deputy Border Patrol chief.
Officials say among Obama’s policies that are attracting illegals is his instructions for “deferred action” for young illegals. Recently, the federal government said it was hunting for lawyers to provide legal help to children who are in the U.S. illegally.
The White House is asking for $1.4 billion more for the illegal-alien children, which by some estimates will grow to 150,000 next year.
The former Border Patrol agents said the campaign is a “political deception,” and the responsibility rests with the political leaders who support “a path to citizenship, regularization or any other form of amnesty for illegal aliens before providing for full protections for national security (jobs and economy) and public safety (the right of the people to be secure in their property and person).”
Obama’s the lead terrorist of Islam…And Americans elected him ..twice!
I don’t understand the BP actions. Why can’t they form a line and tell the people with speakers they can’t come in? AND DONT LET THEM CROSS! Am I missing something here. JUST LIKE THE WAY COPS DO WHEN AMERICANS ARE PROTESTING. It’s the Border Patrol’s JOB and they are failing miserably.
Yeah, really effective wall, huh.
They need to start opening fire, that will get their attention
its one more way Obama is trying to cripple our country
they dont care how many kids die,, raped,, sold into slavely as long as they can stay in power
by obama
The North American Union looms ever closer
Robert Goodman says:
“Arrow, with the job situation being the way it is, do you really think any active border guards are going to risk speaking out without first checking in and being told “don’t do it…”. This administration has PROVEN it is vindictive and retaliatory against those who stand against it.”
From: http://www.truthandaction.org/ex-border-agents-immigrant-flood-orchestrated/comment-page-10/#comment-350791
Truth And Action, if it is indeed true that obama orchestrated and planned this illegal invasion on the southern border isnt this an impeachable offence for sure. i would have to say it is. it has put our country and our citizens at grave risk. and our national security has been comprimised.