Remember in March when Mark Brennan denied outright accusations that the CIA snooped on sensitive data stored on computers in Senate offices? Now his own Inspector General confesses the agency did the deed.
What do you think the White House will do about it?
Two Democratic senators demanded that Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan resign on Thursday after revelations that the CIA snooped on Senate computers.
Administration officials briefed the Senate Intelligence Committee’s membership on Thursday afternoon about an inspector general report that revealed CIA officials improperly accessed computers used by Senate staffers to research a 6,700-page report on the agency’s Bush-era interrogation and detention practices.
Source: Politico
Photo: Donkey Hotey on Flickr
The CIA, like all federal agencies help the government control and tax the citizens. All federal agencies outside of DC should be abolished.
How does it feel $#%&!@*s?
ONLY,because it involved them and its ELECTION time,the no SHAME PARTY..2014 2016
Rid all abbreviated cancers!!!!!!
funny how they order it done to other people but dont like it done to them well boo hoo
tell all about it first. name names.
Funny don’t you think? Spy on Congress get Fired, spy on American People, threaten with IRS, FBI & Fedralized Police kick in doors kill your dog, burn your baby, get a cussy retirement and promoted and sometimes a nice little paid leave! WAKE UP AMERICA!!
This man is even worse than Obummer, if that is possible.