Remember in March when Mark Brennan denied outright accusations that the CIA snooped on sensitive data stored on computers in Senate offices? Now his own Inspector General confesses the agency did the deed.
What do you think the White House will do about it?
Two Democratic senators demanded that Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan resign on Thursday after revelations that the CIA snooped on Senate computers.
Administration officials briefed the Senate Intelligence Committee’s membership on Thursday afternoon about an inspector general report that revealed CIA officials improperly accessed computers used by Senate staffers to research a 6,700-page report on the agency’s Bush-era interrogation and detention practices.
Source: Politico
Photo: Donkey Hotey on Flickr
The sharks smell blood, but can’t stomach devouring each other.
You are not allowed to spy on the enemy within,,they get upset.
Americans shouldn’t be “spying” on other Americans without a warrant based upon probable cause authorizing it . Nobody in public service should be lying to the public, ever…
Yeah, they don’t want you to know it is none of your business, They are there for their own purpose !
ANOTHER DIVERSION BY OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHY are faces shielded ?? And why is it only a problem for the CIA to spy on the Senate — the CIA has been spying on the average American for decades.
throw his ass out on the street. we all know that every country spies on each other, but did you have to get caught? idiot
throw his ass out on the street
Do away with the CIA, we don’t need them and they are all a bunch of LIARS ! Period.