The 2016 election was full of surprises, not the least of which was the rise of Evan McMullin. And he’s not done yet.
When the former CIA operative announced his Utah-centric presidential campaign, no one seemed to notice — until one statewide poll put him in a three-way tie with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Considering the narrow thin margin expected in the electoral college, McMullin was suddenly the ultimate dark horse candidate. He couldn’t win, but he could make the other two lose.
This scenario irked Trump supporters more than Clinton supporters. Utah is deep red, and nearly every path to the White House for Trump included the state.
Of course, McMullin didn’t win Utah or hand the state to Clinton. As initially expected, Trump won the state handily — but McCmullin isn’t done campaigning against Trump.
Now that the election is over, McCMullin is trying to undermine Trump’s ability to serve. See how he thinks his former CIA colleagues should oppose Trump on the next page:
I have become convinced over the last eight years that as far as the democratic party is concerned there is no lie, no distortion of the truth, no personal or family attack that is too vile for them. When they have the upper hand they will change the rules to suit their purpose, and then whine like the dogs they are when these same changes are used against them. They will intimidate and attack anyone or any group that stands up to them, they have used the IRS as an attack dog against any group opposing them, and they will use or condone mob violence as it suits them. They have read and commonly use the Saul Alinsky playbook to destabilize the Republic. They have become what our founding fathers warned us against, a political party so bound up in its own agenda that it becomes antithetical to the liberties which we enjoy as Americans, and which have been purchased with the blood of patriots. They need to be brought to account. I accuse the democratic party, and its hired agents and provocateurs, of being in open rebellion against the lawful exercise of Constitutional powers and duties by the duly elected president of the United States of America and his administration. I consider the actions of the democratic party to be treasonous. I believe that the democratic party will not be satisfied until there is open civil violence, our Republic is torn apart, becomes ungovernable, and the laughing stock of the world.
God bless our great Republic, and confound her enemies both foreign and domestic.
Dear Utah,
Are you embarrassed yet to have produced this putz ?
If the Democratic Liberals want war, just remember, we the republicans have the guns and you have binkies. Not much of a fight
Go back to your Planet ,,
The swamp is full of these termites that President Trump needs to find and get rid of.
Get a sharp shooter and take this pos out.
If ANY agent of this government threatens to disrupt the policies of our government they should be tried for treason.
This just makes me sick. Get rid of the leakers and ignore this guy and CNN
Arrest all these idiots and send them the gitmo where we never have to deal with them again.