Rape culture has been a term used regarding college campuses in recent years, where 1 in 52 are raped. One woman of course is too many and the perpetrator of the crime should be charged with a felony, but this is not the view in many Middle East counties. Rape is sanctioned because women are property and when she is raped she is not the victim but rather the cause.
Rape culture IS an epidemic in the EU, do to the culture of immigrants flooding into these countries and beliefs these men have regarding women. Women are property in most of these Middle East countries and thus men may do what they want with their property.
Read how the freedom of women in Europe is being removed in order to accommodate the barbaric views of the migrants on page 2.
kill them dont arrest them
Totally unconscionable!
Save our hungry sharks
A scurge that will only inflame an already tender environment…?
Remember children, in America we are well armed and dont take kindly to that kind of human. Do your part. If you see something, don’t say anything. Grab a shovel and a bag of lye.
time to bring guns back EU, protect yourselves or stop whinning
firing squad
Islam is not a religion and its followers are no different than a criminal gang who murders anyone who disagrees with them; that is another reason why the US government should stop the Muslim immigration into our country and ban Islam from our soil under the facts that Islam is not a religion and under the fact that Islam is a deadly ideology that is here to destroy our country from within.
You mean Satan