In an appalling scene at a train station in Hungary, one women relates her horrifying experience while traveling on the train towards Germany. What makes her story so compelling, is that Aida Bolevar was a resident in the Middle East for five years and speaks Arabic fluently. She relates her observations and experience (even the threat of rape), along with her beliefs about the crisis, and the migration to the European nations, while being interviewed on a local TV show.
See Aida Bolevar on her horrific experience next page:
May they go to where all idiots live, they deserve it
The sooner we realize children are not pawns in a game the better.
That’s what they do
America needs to fight them off and keep them out of here like u saw some countries do.the Netherlands only took children in.some year gased them.they need to stay out of America.WE already have enough that we cant afford
These Muslim Terrorist tactics will be used in FREE NATIONS of the World! The skill of a TRAINED Sniper will come in handy in the E.U.
Most of the muslin are cowards, they look fit enough to fight for there country. What are they afraid of? They don’t seem to have a problem with death when they have a bomb straped to them.
Open season when trumps president….
Time to pull your head out of the sand and stop listening to this tyrant in the WH
Say goodbye to Europe.
The right man at the right time for America!