The criminal charges against whistle blower Edward Snowden have been dropped by the European Parliament. The Minister’s of the EU offered Snowden asylum and protection from rendition from third parties.
Snowden, who is in Russia, took to tweeter to express his relief and joy. The EU Commission is urged to safeguard all data transfers to the US. The EU is examining concerns over surveillance laws in several EU countries, such as reported co-operation by Germany intelligence agency BND with the NSA.
Snowden has been offered asylum in the EU, but remains unwelcome in the US. Obama remains unmoved, charges are still pending against Snowden.
more on Snowden next page
Stay in Russia. It’s the only place you are truly safe.
Hi Sandra,, i got my facebook working ,,please kindly add me okay
Obama doesn’t hide anything. He breaks laws and is changing the face of our Nation right in front of us and NOBODY is stopping him. Give us something on Obama? Lol!!
Gee,,,, it sure took tem long enough to figure this out. Reporting treason against the American people is not treason.
Good now release more on Obama aiding Isis and Hillary lies and email frauds for the sake of world.
after what O has done here we need to employ him.
Hi Maritza, got my facebook working,, please kindly add me okay
He was not a Traitor he put out Information that we the people needed to know . OBOZO is the traitor to OUR country and ALL THE DEMO-RATS.
This is wrong!