Nigel Farage, a conservative superstar in the UK, is fight on target when he declares that “multi-culturalism” and the “welcoming tone” that has been given to Muslims to migrate to Europe has now backfired so badly its now a complete attack on western culture and law. Farage, stating “Europe is burning” is not speaking metaphorically.
Add in the refugee crisis and cities and whole countries are literally burning down:
see video next page
And the administration wants millions of them here?
Well EU, you’d best fight back now while you still can. If you wait much longer it will be too late.
told you soooooooooooooo
Send lawyers, guns and money…… the Brits
That is true!
Britain’s losing its cultural iden$#%&!@*y
Dear God
Do not allow Islamic muslim terrorist to come into our nation or any nation using the term “refugee” it would be like importing the Bubonic Plague