The meddlesome bureaucrats at the EU, no doubt irritated beyond measure because of Brexit, have seen fit to issue a report directing Britain to censor its media to insure that news stories not reveal when terrorists are Muslims. In fact there are 23 specific recommendations to the British government for changes in its laws and its regulation of the press. One such recommendation directs that the British establish an “independent press regulator.”
Of course the EU, like its cousin the UN, serves no positive purpose. These organizations drain resources, generate copious volumes of useless reports and analyses, and fail to reduce the tensions or create the unity for which they were allegedly created. As we discover how poorly national big governments perform, why would anyone think that international big governments would work any better?
Let’s take a look at how the EU wants Britain to censor its press on page two.
What a joke
Yeah they should be called clintons & the elite morons army!
I don’t BELIEVE Great Britain cares much about what the EU has to say,,, and neither do the people of Europe.
The truth hurts, doesn’t it? They are Muslim terrorists.
It doesn’t matter. Everone knows who they are. Scourge of the Earth.
Hey EU you have no say what happens in Britain they left your sorry$#%&!@*union.
as hellery would say what difference does it make-they are still damn terrorists
Well if the shoe fits wear it !
The EU has been nothing but trouble so the EU and the UN should be disbanded
Change Muslim to MOSLEM….