Michael Wilbon, sports commentator for ESPN could be great. Right now, he’s just mediocre. Yet he has the potential to be great. One of his good friends is Charles Barkley, a man grounded in common sense, patriotism, understanding of the big picture, and grateful for the many opportunities that have been given to him. That one fact, in and of itself, should be enough to catapult Wilbon into greatness.
Wilbon’s mother was a school teacher. Again, this should be an advantage in this country. Having a well-educated parent helps the child to be well on his way to the next tier of society. Another brick in the wall of greatness.
The man from Chicago, Illinois graduated from one of the premier colleges in the country, Northwestern. Another brick.
He wrote for the Washington Post beginning in 1980 and graduated to television in 2001 when he became a sports analyst on ESPN and ABC, juggling three jobs. Eventually, he went to full-time work on television. Another brick.
Finally, he has co-hosted his own show, Pardon the Interruption, with Tony Kornheiser. Another Brick.
Read on the next page about how this man who should be great has just proven why he is merely mediocre, as he calls Jerry Jones of the Cowboys a SLAVE OWNER!
Why is this$#%&!@*still employed at the station ??
Yep he pays them NIGGAS!
How bout an EMPLOYER moron.
Another assclown on ESPIN
Yeah, if you think of yourself and your people in that way. Do you consider yourself a slave, michael? Insecure?
fire that racist p***k
Exactly Wilbon absolutely no difference no better example then a bunch of millionaires protesting at work against a sponsor. Coincidentally my employer is like a slave owner too forcing me to conform & wear pants not allowing me to yell obscenities in fact any organizational rules makes them a slave owner.
I thought a long time on this.. it is sort of.. they hire you pay you big bucks you screw up don’t payoff for them so they sell your contract to another ball team.. yep did the same to slaves.. lmowao funny they chose to be slave to the game…
Nobody hold this poor dumb slaves there. If you and them don’t like there , fucking leave. You Blacks are the biggest fucking.cry babies there is.
The only thing$#%&!@*s like this clown do is to show there stupidity. Instead of being a true leader he follows X-president obama who himself being a$#%&!@*proved to the world that negromen can’t lead and that they prefer$#%&!@*men who wear dresses and who want to look like a white woman.