In his latest demonetization of guns and infringement upon our rights, Eric Holder suggested that gun owners should either have to wear a bracelet that communicates with their gun for it to operate, or have some sort of fingerprint identification.
This is really just rhetoric to further demonize guns and gun owners and is another step in their fantasy to implement gun registration, which would have to happen in order for this to be implemented.
Holder should wear a shock collar that knocks his ass out every time he opens his mouth or reaches for a pen. This guy is another person who is not competent enough to be trusted with a firearm.
I think field marshall Holder should have an extra strong shock collar placed around his neck, every time he miss uses his authority,, wham,,, he’d be dead in less than one hour
Bet he loved Hitler.
He should be wearing stainless steel bracelets which open with a little bitty key.
What a load of c**p he puts out.
never happen
Needs to quit trying to destroy gun owners and go after the real crimnals starting with Lerner of the RS!
and some one should shove a taser up you ass that will go off every time you make a stupid decission
Holder shut your corrupt mouth . You politicians don’t get out of our private lives there is going to come a time when you all realize that was one major mistake! That is not a threat either, more like a promise…we the people are fed up!
Are your body guards going to wear them???