Eric Holder Calls on Democrats to ‘Kick’ Republicans When They ‘Go Low’

Former Attorney General Eric Holder says former first lady Michelle Obama wasn’t tough enough with Republicans when with her signature line: “When they go low, we go high.”

While campaigning for Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, Holder advocated violence, “Michelle [Obama] always says ‘When they go low, we go high,'” Holder told the crowd. “No. No. When they go low, we kick them.”

President Trump issued Holder a warning Thursday morning against using incendiary language when the President called in on Fox and Friends.

Steve Doocy asked the president, “After he said we’ll kick ’em, the whole room started clapping and cheering. What does that say to you about the tenor of politics?”

Trump said bluntly, “He better be careful what he is wishing for. He better be careful for what he is wishing for. That is a disgusting statement for him to make.”

The president continued, leveling a litany of criticisms against Holder:

“They have to be careful with the rhetoric because it is very dangerous what Holder says. Holder was held in contempt by Congress. Holder went after Christians. He went after our great evangelicals. He went after the Tea Party people. You know that. IRS just settled that case. Holder, he has got some problems.”

Trump comments on Holder’s statement at 12:20:

Source: Daily Caller


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