Eric Holder stated earlier this year that a special task for will be created to focus on the “escalating danger” of “homegrown terrorists.”
“But we also must concern ourselves with a different type of threat. We face an escalating danger from self-radicalized individuals within our own borders,” he said.
“Now — as the nature of the threat we face evolves to include the possibility of individual radicalization via the Internet — it is critical that we return our focus to potential extremists here at home,” Holder said.
Obama has invited them in to set up cells in America. There are several of them now. Nice huh?
With the FBI reporting that there are 22 terrorist training camps in the U.S. That these thugs created and the american people let happen. Fema is purchesing over a billion dollars worth of coffins, stock piling billions of dollars worth of MRE’s And my son just sent me a picture a few days ago of trailer loads of UN armor trucks. so When are the freaking light bulbs going to be lit up?
Holder is not talking about Islamic terrorist, he is talking about conservatives and patriots as domestic terrorists to be concerned about. Our government is very afraid of the American people and especially vets. They should remember all the hunters in the US outnumber any standing army in the world! The people are the well regulated militia!
Then arrest your self
treason and Tyranny from a terrorist infiltrated federal government with the head traitor and terrorist being Obama a presidential imposter!
I thought this dirtbag was quitting his post? He should be one of the first of many we rid this country of.
Ed, I agree with you and the sheeple, such as 95% of the blacks, Hispanics and females 18-34, will follow Obama just like they did in the voting blocks. Yes, I know that a small percentage has come to the realization that Obama is a charlatan. The truly sad part is how many still remain so out of touch, unknowing, ignorant and ruled by anyone who screams racist. Holder is a bonafied criminal with a heart that is so racist a transplant couldn’t help him. He is directing this toward the Veterans, police, and true Americans. These are those which will stand and defend the US against all enemies foreign and domestic. There are also 2nd Amendment advocates who will stand and fight. These are the people that Holder want’s designated “Domestic Terrorists”. Beware America, the time is coming. It is what it is!
That government in Washington DC is no longer American. And therefore not my government. And that Cream filled Ding Dong sunni muslin is nothing more than a terrorist puppet set in place by the bilderburg group. Rothschild Rockefeller Henry Kissinger e.t. al the illuminati.
Who in turn are wannabe puppets in the hand of the true enemy satan. Our ONLY HOPE IS IN JESUS CHRIST.
Meanwhile, Praise the Lord and Pass The Ammunition. YHVH JIRA YESHUA AKBAR
One mans “domestic terrorists”are anothers “FREEDOM FIGHTERS” i can only wonder why WE the American people,would arm syrian rebels,and our own government is working so hard to disarm the same said people. others think we are some kind of conspiracy freaks and whack jobs,I say the evidence speaks for its self here folks.
Creating a “Task Force” is opening doors to more power for that Department, in conjunction with the powers of the executive branch is a dangerous thing.