Eric Holder stated earlier this year that a special task for will be created to focus on the “escalating danger” of “homegrown terrorists.”
“But we also must concern ourselves with a different type of threat. We face an escalating danger from self-radicalized individuals within our own borders,” he said.
“Now — as the nature of the threat we face evolves to include the possibility of individual radicalization via the Internet — it is critical that we return our focus to potential extremists here at home,” Holder said.
Holder, you and your cronies are the biggest racists of all. All of you should be tried, and after your convictions, be sentenced to a life time in prison.
Obama wants a nationwide civil war so he can declare martial law.
This is just Wrong!
I am more concerned with the terrorists that they have let into the Country !
Good! They can start off with the white house and the justice department.
With the FBI reporting that there are 22 terrorist training camps in the U.S. That these thugs created and the american people let happen. Fema is purchesing over a billion dollars worth of coffins, stock piling billions of dollars worth of MRE’s And my son just sent me a picture a few days ago of trailer loads of UN armor trucks. so When are the freaking light bulbs going to be lit up?
He looks like a sloth…. And acts slowly too….
What about the Islamic training areas in the US (22). I would start there.
This guy is a traitorous imbecile, he should worry about Fort Hood and street beheadings not Republicans who dis like Obama’s racist administration. Oooops, that be, HIM!
Domestic terrorist? Obama and holder are domestic terrorists