According to new EPA regulations we can no longer smelt lead from ore in the United States.
The Doe Run Lead Smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri, in business since 1892, was forced to shut down by the EPA due to the extremely tight regulations. It was the last primary lead smelting plant in the U.S.
After December 2013, all ammunition will have to be imported, which will increase the price and place supply under government control.
This is in concert with the enormous purchase of over 2 billion rounds of ammunition by DHS.
This government wants you disarmed, one way or another.
I am one who steers very clear of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories. I often believe progressives plant stories in order to distract and disrupt, enabling them to pursue their true goals and objectives. That’s why I stress the importance of staying focused on the modern liberal socialist policies of the Obama administration, not the sideshow antics.
However, as a former combat commander, I have been trained to look for trends. And I believe we’ve found a very disturbing one. it seems that back door gun control is in full effect in the United States. Why? Thanks to Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), we can no longer smelt lead from ore in the United States.
The first contact the EPA made with The Doe Run Lead Smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri (population 2,800) was in 2008 but it was in 2010 that the EPA finally forced Doe Run to plan a shut down. This plant has been in operation since 1892 but will finally close its doors this month. It was the last lead smelting plant in the US.
The closedown is due to new extremely tight air quality restrictions placed on this specific plant. President Obama and his EPA raised the regulations by 10 fold and it would have cost the plant $100 million to comply.
In response to the Doe Run lead smelter shutdown, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said the Doe Run Company “made a business decision” to shut down the smelter instead of installing pollution control technologies needed to reduce sulfur dioxide and lead emissions as required by the Clean Air Act.
Of course this is why we need serious regulatory reform that precludes executive agency fiat, especially regulation implementation that exceeds a certain adverse financial impact to a private sector business.
Of course the canned progressive socialist response is “For years families with children near Doe Run’s facilities have been exposed to unacceptable levels of lead, one of the most dangerous neurotoxins in the environment,” said Cynthia Giles, assistant administrator for the EPA’s Office of Compliance and Enforcement Assurance. There are a few auxiliary lead processing plants remaining in the USA but their function is to re-claim lead from old batteries.
What this all means is that after December 2013, any ammunition that will be available to US citizens will have to be imported, which will surely increase the price and possibly come under government control. It seems this is fully in concert with the US Military and Homeland Defense recent purchase of large quantities of ammunition.
The effect is chilling: you can own all the guns you want, but if you can’t get ammo, you are out of luck. Remember when President Obama promised his minions that he was working on gun control behind the scenes? Welcome to it. The result is that all domestically mined lead ore will have to be shipped overseas, refined and then shipped back to the US.
Obama and his new Nazi regime at work,
or you could go to the junk yard and get lead wheel weights and make your own
People need to get ready for a takeover. This country is being taken over by the Socialists/communists. War is brewing, just a matter of time.
Stock up, When Americans regain control of this country, we can open the plants again. Revolt!
NOT gonna happen!
had enough of this socialist communist freedom grabbing bs people i have. may 16th american spring. washington dc . be there patriots.
DO you know that the government has 9 billion rounds of ammunition.
How many rounds is that they can use on each citizen?
make your own solves that
Can’t get our guns so they get our ammo