One only wonders why the Environmental Protection Agency didn’t state the number of rising deaths would reach into the millions in their recent report. It would seem to be far more scary and a consequence of the global nature of what they claim.
Only 13,000 deaths by 2050? C’mon EPA, surely you want to trump up more fear-based support for your agenda than that.
What now ? They will sig the IRS Storm troopers on you
I can understand the concern of getting the dead Muslim bodies out of our rivers
according to a british study released the other day, earth is heading into a cooling phase, so they are lying again. EPA along with countless other lying corrupt govt agency’s need to be shut down.
“The new report out of the Obama administration warns that climate change will result in a rising death count that will in 13,000 deaths by 2050, and 57,000 deaths by 2100, along with other disastrous consequences.” Is this on top of the millions that will die anyway?
she is a he right?
b.s. it’s a natural occurrence.
Ten times that number die from hospital mistakes every year.
Well 13,000 people die every year at least that many maybe more they need to go back and check thier math and 57000 before 2100 well I pray to god that I am gone by that time do you know how old that would make me? Wow if they would post how many people that the bible says is going to go at one time in the future. This isn’t much of a threat coming from the Epa Give the Amount the Bible says if you really want to scare someone.
Climate change my$#%&!@* this is a money scam and a world power struggle
I believe these people think we are all idiots