One only wonders why the Environmental Protection Agency didn’t state the number of rising deaths would reach into the millions in their recent report. It would seem to be far more scary and a consequence of the global nature of what they claim.
Only 13,000 deaths by 2050? C’mon EPA, surely you want to trump up more fear-based support for your agenda than that.
One of the biggest threats we face is the EPA. They take the research of the chemical companies as gospel truth and do not do independent research.
Epa full of crazy people
Deaths by the EPA being in Charge ,
Environmental Wacko
Seia lai an cap tien dien thoai ( nha trang cdmd)
After Colorado maybe we should fire everyone and start over.
Well, they have millions and millions of rounds of ammunition although nobody can seem to figure out why. Do you think it “might” have something to do with the land-grabbing going on in the western states? Amazing that the “Government” is constrained by the Constitution to owning NO property except for Washington D.C. and yet wants to tell people what to do with OUR lands. Just like WACO, don”t bother to oppose them or you will be killed. It has already happened in Oregon, don”t even think it can”t happen again and again.
Global warming?, I live in Upstate New York and this morning it was negative 19 degrees as in 19 degrees below zero. Right now it a balmy 8 degrees below zero. A regular heat wave. Where do the Democrats find these people? The Democrats have been beating on this Global Warming drum since the mid seventies. Do the Democrats have anything other than fear and scaring the hell out of people for a platform. Face it they can’t run on the economy as that’s a c**p sandwich. Oh well I guess when in doubt roll out the fear mongers.
She is so off the wall it’s actually funny!
they need to fire this incompetant fool.