One only wonders why the Environmental Protection Agency didn’t state the number of rising deaths would reach into the millions in their recent report. It would seem to be far more scary and a consequence of the global nature of what they claim.
Only 13,000 deaths by 2050? C’mon EPA, surely you want to trump up more fear-based support for your agenda than that.
Government implementation of population control
Democrats have been destroying this country for years and enslaved young children for the good of there self-esteem
The EPA is behind it all, lead levels like the ones in Flint Michigan just don’t happen over night. Someone, high up on the food chain, knows what is going on. Follow the money.
Why do you think all the Fema Camps popped up
I thought this CRIMINAL resigned ?
Take fluoride OUT of our water.
Caused by the EPA mor than likely.
in a terrorist attck on 9/11 thousands of people died
is that like, the same as a terror attack then?
bottle that water and ship it to washington DC no big lose