One only wonders why the Environmental Protection Agency didn’t state the number of rising deaths would reach into the millions in their recent report. It would seem to be far more scary and a consequence of the global nature of what they claim.
Only 13,000 deaths by 2050? C’mon EPA, surely you want to trump up more fear-based support for your agenda than that.
EPA sucks
Epa is a joke needs to be done away with.
Shut the EPA down, it is a waste of taxpayer dollars and as crooked as all the other government agencies. They should all have to drink the yellow water.
Only 13000 by 2050? Over 3000 people die a year from distracted driving. This means that upwards of 100,000 people will die because of distracted driving during the same period. Deaths caused by global warming pales in comparison if you even believe it. A non issue.
White lives don’t matter.
It did’nt work in mother russia, cuba, and on so many other commy countries. So don’t bother “experimenting” it here in this great country. China is actually a capitalist country. They just don’t want to say it in public.
The EPA needs to be shut down! Period! Another fraudulent big government money grabbing organization that has WAAAAAY to much power! And lets see the science behind this c**p like we’ve been asking you for…for almost 3 decades now. You end up being wrong 100% of the time.!!
After they screwed up that river nothing the EPA would do now would surprise me. If a disaster doesn’t happen on its own the EPA will make one happen. The only government agency that can actually accomplish something. Illegal and wrong, yes, but they get the dirty job done.
None of them have ever thought that maybe if we embrace climate change, it will benefit us in the long run. It’s a natural process, we can’t change nature.
Thats what they want thin the heard. I would be more worried about yellow stone national park. Then global warming. Thats a super volcano it is pops. Lets say from half of mo to California will be wipted out. And decades of cold temp. There roads threw the park are melting go on line and see. Reporters are putting it on YouTube for people to see