The EPA is an agency constantly looking for a solution to a non-existent problem. It is also a bully agency willing to make decrees that will destroy businesses and change the course of the nation without any input from the public whatever. The unlimited power granted to the EPA certainly does not match the initial objectives of the agency, but it has grown into a giant monster that employs over 18,000 people at the federal level, with a secondary EPA bureaucracies in all 50 states.
They have declared that carbon dioxide, which is what we exhale, is a pollutant, and that it must be dramatically reduced. The EPA has produced something called the Clean Power Plan (CPP) which essentially demands the elimination of most hydrocarbon fuels, including coal, natural gas, and petroleum. Coal in particular is required to implement technology to lower emissions that does not even exist. Because CPP was so draconian and would dramatically cripple the economy of the U.S. and severely harm its citizens, the Supreme Court issued a stay while the issues were being examined and debated. It seems, however, that the EPA can ignore a Supreme Court ruling and proceed without any concern. What is really needed is a mass incarceration of these arrogant bureaucrats.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials are moving ahead with a key part of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) despite the Supreme Court issuing a stay against the agency’s global warming plan in February.
The EPA submitted a proposal to the White House for green energy subsidies for states that meet the federally mandated carbon dioxide reduction goals early. The Clean Energy Incentive Program would give “credit for power generated by new wind and solar projects in 2020 and 2021” and a “double credit for energy efficiency measures in low-income communities,” according to Politico’s Morning Energy.
The move seems to violate the Supreme Court’s stay against CPP preventing the EPA from implementing its plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions from U.S. power plants. EPA, however, argues it’s doing this for states that want to voluntarily cut emissions — despite this being part of CPP.
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy is set to talk more about the plan Wednesday afternoon and will no doubt defend it from critics who will say the agency is violating a Supreme Court order.
EPA has been moving forward with aspects of the CPP despite the Supreme Court’s decision. After the court’s February decision, EPA began signalling it would continue to work with states that want to “voluntarily” move forward.
“EPA has crossed a line by assigning itself vast regulatory authority that surpasses anything ever contemplated by Congress,” Jeffrey Connor, interim CEO of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), said in a statement. NRECA opposes CPP.
“The fact is that EPA didn’t produce a rule simply to reduce emissions — it crafted a radical plan to restructure the U.S. power sector,” Connor said.
America has been hijacked by unelected and out of control bureaucrats and agencies, and the people need to take the country back. Whether it is through a non-politician like Donald Trump, or through force by an armed citizenry that is tired of the programs and policies that always seem to take away freedom and wealth from the common citizen and add power and wealth to the elite political class, the abuse of the American people must end soon, or the nation will cease to be.
And the truth is that it already is a mere shadow of what it once was.
All of these law breakers MUST be brought to justice. What’s the point of having laws if they aren’t worth the paper they are written on? Without the laws we go into anarchy. From the top to the bottom these people MUST be brought to justice.
Dumb people do dumb things cause there stupid she is another obunghole sheep baa baa !! and just as stupid as he is
They Think Obama is going to stay around to protect their butts !! But guess what it won’t happen !!!!
Fire EPA