The tyranny coming from our government is reaching all new levels with the EPA’s latest claim that they can garnish people wages for violating their rules without any oversight from courts.
A governmental body that claims such authority violates not only the Constitution, but the 800-year-old freedom people were granted under the Magna Carta.
We are absolutely standing at a turning point in history.
Dissolve the EPA!
defund the epa now and get rid of it
Another federal agency that WILL be… SLAPPED BACK TO REALITY…with soetorobama’s departure. ISN’T IT IRONIC…NOT ONE OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH HAS AN EPA?????? Or gives a $#%&!@* anyhow!?!?!?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” Edmund Burke and that is what my good Congressman is doing, Nothing. I’m a conservative and i I have had it with the elected officals that refuse to defend our Consititutiion and Bill of Rights. I’m going to write my Congressman and say “If you do not start the IMPEACHMENT process against President Obama, then starting the very next election, local or national, I’m going to vote for the opposite party. Since their concern is to kept their jobs, then perhaps this, done by many other unhappy people, will help them remember what their job is, if not then their party has had enough time a the feeding trough.
There is only one way to deal with this?
The entire USA including All Democrats, Republicans , Independents and others need to recognize what is happening and strive to stop it. We are in major trouble and people are burying their heads in the sand.
The E P A can come clean my ASS
Abolish the epa and the irs…..downsize all federal government t agencies, departments and what ever else they call them….power to we the people