The tyranny coming from our government is reaching all new levels with the EPA’s latest claim that they can garnish people wages for violating their rules without any oversight from courts.
A governmental body that claims such authority violates not only the Constitution, but the 800-year-old freedom people were granted under the Magna Carta.
We are absolutely standing at a turning point in history.
shut it down, we don’t need it anymore.
Why are the American Tax Payer, paying for the EPA to teach their people how to use a bathroom? Why has nobody been arrested for defecating on a government building, a building that is owned by the American Tax Payer? They can’t hold their own water but want to control everybody else? They are another flubberment entity that is not for America and should therefore be dismantled!
Defund the EPA & IRS & abolish both of them as they are worthless.
congress could a lot . but the boss obama wont let um . they r afraid to talk un less he says ok.
The Magna Carta is a document written by the british, whom we seceded from. It has no bearing on Americans. Which is not to say it isnt a good example of a social contract between the governed and the government. However it still does not pertain to Americans.
Oh hell, now can we roll?
Defund it ALL
Claim Exempt from all their wickedness……
Oh $#%&!@*e, you think they’re reading these poSts? Lol but not really
The EPA is out of control and has become militant. They have their own paramilitary branch with SWAT teams and armored vehicles, machine guns and all that $#%&!@*. Who authorized them to have all that? Why do they need it? The EPA is a regulatory agency. It’s purpose is to enforce regulations, not enforce laws. If they have trouble with somebody littering or some $#%&!@* like that, they can call the police. That’s what they are for. Congress needs to cut funding to the EPA and make them get rid of their little army and go back to being what they were meant to be in the first place. I will be talking to my Governor and my states reps again soon and I’m bringing this up. This is bull$#%&!@*.