The tyranny coming from our government is reaching all new levels with the EPA’s latest claim that they can garnish people wages for violating their rules without any oversight from courts.
A governmental body that claims such authority violates not only the Constitution, but the 800-year-old freedom people were granted under the Magna Carta.
We are absolutely standing at a turning point in history.
I can see a lot of people are going to die for their Freedom
Time to shut down the EPA, they’re getting out of hand !
What the hell happened to our country ?
Big Government absolutely gone wild, with a lawless tyrant at the helm!
f u EPA
Time to REMOVE the EPA
The EPA can’t grant itself power. Congress needs to shut them down!
this is satire
you can kiss my ass trying slimeball
Why are we even wasting money on this institution which is unnecessary pork. New International Version
Romans 1:25 of the New Testament: They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator–who is forever praised. Amen. Making sacrifices of comfort and leisure to worship and serve the planet. Of all the pagan religions in the history of the Earth, worshiping, sacrificing and putting the planet before people, worship of the planet is ridiculous.