In the latest despotic maneuvers by the Environmental Protection Agency, not only are the showers you take in hotels about to be monitored and regulated, but so will your backyard BBQs.
The latest regulations coming our way are so absolutely ridiculous they are hard to believe, but as as totalitarianism grows within our nation so does the nanny state’s control our the most common, everyday activities.
Let’s take a look at 5 regulations that seek to micromanage your life.
MOVE ONTO PAGE 2, Hotel Shower Monitoring:
Only conservatives think clean air and water are bad things
Only conservatives think the government is out to get you
Only conservatives buy this c**p
You quite a terrible economist who’s influenced economic disaster with Reagan Pinochet CRUZ and Paul
Good job
Why so the rich can pollute even more
The 1% is destroying the country this why and you are thanking them
Oh sure Just like we were all going to be in fema camps?
Or converted to Islam ?
Or have our guns taken?
None of your paranoid fantasies have come true
Every time you vote republican and give their rich masters power
You hurt america a little more
Because clean air and water is evil
Let’s help the rich and powerful pollute even more of their country
How patriotic it is to destroy this country so the rich get richer
But the EPA did nothing about the wind turbines that kills Eagles and other birds.
Over generalization.
Sorry Jeanie Brown Russell but of course you’re wrong.
Doesn’t make it false