In the latest despotic maneuvers by the Environmental Protection Agency, not only are the showers you take in hotels about to be monitored and regulated, but so will your backyard BBQs.
The latest regulations coming our way are so absolutely ridiculous they are hard to believe, but as as totalitarianism grows within our nation so does the nanny state’s control our the most common, everyday activities.
Let’s take a look at 5 regulations that seek to micromanage your life.
MOVE ONTO PAGE 2, Hotel Shower Monitoring:
Ridiculous , so sick of this c**p !! Defund EPA !!!!
Obama can have two jets fly to the same damn place with him in one and Michelle in the other and they’re worried about damn grilling ??? What’s wrong with this picture ? How about cutting back on his motorcade and their flights !!!
soon they will be controlling when and where we use the toilet….. just wait and see.
Who gives these commie no good for nothing sob this kind of power .
Big brother can go f it’s self
You can tell the epa to F.O…..
P**s on the epa
We are to be good stewards of the earth and resources. Why be wasteful and damaging if we can not be?
Do you people like cleaner air, water and land or what?
Good they should!