Lawmakers and land-owners are worried that the Obama regime’s newest attempt at government control of what is now private property would allow the EPA in conjunction with the Bureau of Land Management, the Department of Energy and the Army to dictate on a never-before-seen scale everything from grazing rights, food production, animal health and the use of energy on private lands. Naturally, we are supposed to believe this shift to federal control private and state land is benign, but have these agencies proven to be benevolent in the past?
Why are farmers and lawmakers worried? The Environmental Protection Agency is requesting jurisdiction over all public and private streams in the United States that are “intermittent, seasonal and rain-dependent.”
Let that sink in for a minute:
The EPA wants control over all land that is currently owned by States or private citizens, that has rivers, streams, or creeks on it or has in the past.
The EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in late March jointly released a proposed rule, Waters of the United States, in an effort to clarify which streams and wetlands are protected under the Clean Water Act.A statement issued by the EPA says “the proposed rule will benefit businesses by increasing efficiency in determining coverage of the Clean Water Act.”
But some lawmakers strongly disagree.
According to congressional budget testimony last week, Waters of the United States would give the EPA authority over streams on private property even when the water beds have been dry, in some cases for hundreds of years.
Calling it “the biggest land grab in the history of the world,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rep. Harold Rogers, R-Ky., said the “economic impact of that would be profound.”
“A community needing to build on private land that had on it one of these so-called streams that you considered a waterway under the new rule would have to travel thousands, hundreds of miles to D.C., to get approval,” Rogers said.
The congressman argued it “would absolutely freeze economic activity in this country.”
Rogers said the proposal is “proof in and of itself of the mal-intent of this administration toward the private sector.”
Civil liberties
When Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, probed EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy further about how the new Waters of the United States rule would affect Americans’ civil liberties and ability to conduct business, McCarthy was unable to cite specifics.
She said the rule is currently posted on the EPA website for a 90-day commenting period and the scientific basis to support it has not been completed.
The proposed rule tinkers with the definition of “navigable” waters, which was the central point of litigation in a battle between the Supreme Court and the EPA regarding the Clean Water Act.
“We are clarifying protection for the upstream waters that are absolutely vital to downstream communities,” McCarthy said.
“Clean water is essential to every single American, from families who rely on safe places to swim and healthy fish to eat, to farmers who need abundant and reliable sources of water to grow their crops, to hunters and fishermen who depend on healthy waters for recreation and their work, and to businesses that need a steady supply of water for operations.”
Jo-Ellen Darcy, assistant secretary of the Army for civil works, argued the nation’s waters and wetlands “are valuable resources that must be protected today and for future generations.”
In effect these changes would give sweeping powers over nearly any land the EPA or BLM decided to target, and we have recently seen how responsible they can be, over in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch. In a tactic that has become more and more common, these government agencies are using friendly-sounding programs established with real beneficial intents (like the Clean Water Act) as their diabolical political tools.
Source: WND
Photo: WND
I hear Sen. Reid’s son Rory is a big supporter of an energy group and wants to sell the Chinese company public land for $4,5. Sen. Reid is a big supporter of ENN and was in China in 2011, it was my understanding that Sen. Reid tried to pressure Nevada’s largest company NV Energy to sign ENN’s as the first customers. Of course both deny this but made me think. The Clark County Conservation of Public Resources Act of 2002, said “In a welter of technical jargon, it dealt with Boundary shifts, land trades and other arcane(hidden, secret or shut up) matters all in Nevada. Got to do more research on this . Something is fishy here. And they also stated “In Nevada, the name to know is Reid” humm
scary, we need to stop him. he is slowly taking America away from us.
This needs to be stopped the state needs to take action
Left or Right, Peter or Paul who’s gonna be that robs us all?
The EPA was created by the Nixon administration right after the world found out we didn’t have the gold to back each dollar printed in the 1960’s!!! The EPA’s sole purpose is to confiscate resource rich lands with the guise of preservation in order to prop up the increasingly dying dollar and to pay back foreign debt.
Here we go people,,,…they are going to completely take over,..take our land, our guns,..they are brainwashing our kids,…by next year no one will be able to afford to pay their electric bills,…..we have enforced healthcare with the i.r.s. breathing down everyone’;s back……We will probably have a Full Dictator before next November or mid term elections…. We will OBEY,…one way or another.
There’s certainly a lot of speculation on FB today….Does anyone have any solid evidence that “something Evil comes this way”? If so, please get the proof out to “The People” so we can get better prepared….otherwise, you’re just adding to the already depressing and angry attitudes that is spreading throughout our Nation.
how much more evidence do you need?look at what has happened already and is happening right now!the line has been drawn in the sand and they mean for our blood to fill that line.
Choot ’em! Choot ’em Elizabet!
Bundy is a plutocratic traitor, a mealy mouthed liar, a cheat and a reprehensible waste of human flesh masquerading as some sort of beleaguered patriot while he engages the government in the manner of a terrorist. I’d be happy to see a military sharpshooter put a bullet in his brain with a Sharps rifle at 1000 yards. That’s what needs to happen. If he was a native rancher he and his family would already be dead.
you sir are an idiot and surely not an American!