The EPA claims its Clean Power Plan will end up saving lives from reducing air pollution, but a new report by a free market energy group warns the agency’s global warming rule will end up killing more than it saves.
“The EPA’s climate rule has no discernible impact on climate change and may cause thousands of premature deaths in the United States,” according to a recent report by the free market Institute for Energy Research (IER). “The EPA relies on faulty data to make exaggerated claims about the benefits of a rule that will cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars and plunge millions of families into poverty.”
“The loss of disposable income due to higher energy bills will leave families with less money to spend on health care, prescriptions, and other essentials. Therefore, EPA should withdraw its expensive and harmful carbon regulation,” according to IER’s report.
“Our most vulnerable citizens, including children, older adults, people with heart or lung disease and people living in poverty are most at risk to the health impacts of climate change,” the EPA claims of its Clean Power Plant. “The transition to cleaner sources of energy, which is already underway, will better protect Americans from other harmful air pollution, too.”Read more on the next page.
Eternal pollution agenda .
Their death and poverty? 🙂
Dismantle and Close the EPA! Save 14+ Billion Dollars Annually! They produce nothing but Confusion and Chaos! They waste our money, stifle industry and cost a fortune doing it! Environmental concerns, where applicable, are already best covered at state level! The U.N. and the EPA are each the greatest supporter of the other and their actual AGENDA is Control And Personal Power!
It’s all part of this Pale/Green Horse of the Apocalypse! This Green Idea was conceived by the New World Order “GANG” as an arm of their attempt to remove us all and “Save the Planet” for their select few! That is the true purpose of the United Nations! Not to stop wars… they cause wars! Are you aware that 27% of the costs for “U. N.Peacekeeping Activities” is paid for from our tax dollars? Most of this goes to Turkey, a muslim nation, who are the second largest supplier of troops! The “WORLD BANK” is their finance arm! Did you know that for every dollar given to the world bank to help a nation, less than ten cents funnels down to the Needy it was designed for? GET THE U.N. out of the United States and get the United States OUT OF THE U.N. We don’t need them – We pay them 4 Million a year in dues and then comes the PLUS – PLUS – PLUS! They are mostly run by muslims!
I agree get the US out of the US.
turn epa over to the states
You people are nuts ,you can control the rest of the world ,if the world do do it it’s a waste just like the E.P.A. E.P.A. RULES ONLY THE RICH GET RICHER & AND THE POOR get POORER .
Abolish EPA
EPA = Environmental Poisoning Agency!
Perfectly stated
Follow the money