The EPA may have been trying to hide the identity of the contracting company responsible for causing a major waste water spill in southern Colorado, but the Wall Street Journal has revealed the company’s identity.
Environmental Restoration (ER) LLC, a Missouri-based firm, was the “contractor whose work caused a mine spill in Colorado that released an estimated 3 million gallons of toxic sludge into a major river system,” the WSJ was told by a source familiar with the matter. The paper also found government documents to corroborate what their source told them. Read more on the next page.
No one in government ever pays for their mistakes…..
This was no accident.
What’s Really Going On In Places Like: Akron, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, and LA …. are nothing more the federally funded thugs gone tribal, under the leadership of oboma and his political dogs inciting hatred, and the media portraying low life paid criminals as saints and the true culprits are white racist.
Meanwhile the taxpayers of America, in cities like LA Ferguson, and Baltimore will end up giving to FEMA millions of dollars to restore businesses and homes.
The Baltimore mayor made a point of publicly thanking, the Nation of Islam!
Nation of Islam
The vile, racist so-called minister Louis Farrakhan calls out to his congregation of followers, demanding an army of 10,000 volunteers to kill white people!
Dallas, Texas … Black Panthers are on a open recruiting drive, to build an Armed Force to Combat Police ?
It’s a Communist tool.
This usual by them. This is NO ACCIDENT
Tainted as the Government itself
Abolish the EPA and jail all its workers. Fine the company responsible for the mess and jail its workers from the top down.
Because it was allowed to happen! Do you really think that waste was going to get recycled?
The more government we have the worse the country and its people get…
Hey guys, have you heard about that deadly dihydrogen monoxide stuff? I’ve heard it’s already killed dozens this year