When the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was signed, a bill that mandates ethanol fuel blending, there was supposed to be a report issued to Congress every three years, discussing the effects ethanol had on the environment and the economy. However, this has not happened according to the Inspector General for the EPA, after being pressed by the Associated Press regarding these studies. The agency just ignored the instructions.
The Act was signed by President Bush, but the implementation and the follow-up studies fell squarely on Obama Administration’s shoulders. AP discovered that the administration never did the studies to see whether the water and air quality had benefited from “adding the corn-based ethanol to gasoline”.
This new audit verified that the Obama administration, in failing to do the study of ethanol and making certain that these new regulations did not create more problems in other areas making them worse, while only addressing one.
Read the rest of the story on the next page.
Treason by the leader of the EPA, at the time.
F**k their global warming.
Sorry folks I am no Obama or Hillary fan. But, this ethanol c**p falls squarely on the Bush administration. In the part of the country I live in we can still find no ethanol gasoline . You get 2-4 mpg more. It cost a little more but your vehicle goes further and runs better. A 50# sack of corn went from $5.50 to 12.00 go figure. It is time for TRUMP get these politicians out of office!! Put a business man in there!!
It’s time for Congress to freeze EPA’s funds until they comply with laws legally passed by Congress.
Negate voter fraud. Wear RED at the polls when voting Trump. It’s a growing grass roots movement born by social media’s ability to share ideas. This needs to get to Donald Trump, so he can announce it. They won’t be able to refute an entire country clad in RED come voting day. Spread the RED!
The EPA is just another arm of Obama’s corruption ! They do what they want legal or not !
HEY BARACK…………… I have some cool POISON FUEL you may stuff UP YO$#%&!@* Ready!??????
Obama don’t give a dam about America he just wants to rape us all
EPA must be eradicated.