In true Obama administration fashion, his Environmental Protection Agency sent representatives to testify at a House hearing on the massive Gold King toxic mine spill.
And they lied.
They lied about a doctored video on their website and they lied about the reason they were at the mine. Amazing, but it is very typical of this administration.
Imagine any private company doing this?
However, the EPA is completely unaccountable. Read more on this escalating disaster for the EPA and Obama on the next page.
What else did you expect? Trickle down effect …from MUSLIM WH
They all have to be revamped. They work for us and they keep forgetting that little fact!
Go dump this toxic spill that was created intentionall so their friends and companies will get their big fat contract to build a water cleaning system in Colorado. Criminal at the least and possibly committed a felon . Lying obama puppets once again doing their damage to the nation.
We all know that the real threat is the epa. They are so wrapped up in their own arrogance that they would never admit to their mistakes.
Whole Obama gang lies, Hillary lies !
Wait …..our Govment lieing ????? how can that be….I am shocked….Every Department of this Administration has been caught at one time or another in bald face LIES….its the new way to govern….Make it up as you go along….I don’t know about you but I for one am tired of this C**P….
fire them
Only thing this administration does good is LIE
Lies, lies and more lies. Consistent with another Omuzzie appointee.