In true Obama administration fashion, his Environmental Protection Agency sent representatives to testify at a House hearing on the massive Gold King toxic mine spill.
And they lied.
They lied about a doctored video on their website and they lied about the reason they were at the mine. Amazing, but it is very typical of this administration.
Imagine any private company doing this?
However, the EPA is completely unaccountable. Read more on this escalating disaster for the EPA and Obama on the next page.
They did it on purpose so they could close the mines.
Why would they lie about the obvious . I thought Hillary was the only one that did that.
Part of the oblather administration. What do you expect?
Yet another Obama toadies!
I have come to believe all politicians will lie about ( anything ) to get a vote !! I don’t believe anyone but mike huckabee !!!! At least he will tell the truth!!!!
I think we should get rid of the president , congress and senate and get one person alone to control everything and go for 1 year at a time till we find a person we can all trust before letting them have a longer term !!!!! We have been screwed by all parties!!!and the I r s should go
Epa personnel are ignorant and incompetant. And should be held respinsible.
How scary that the EPA is working against the good of the people! Impeach Obama and let’s get rid of this f**e president! Americans, have you learned your lesson yet?
Criminal!!! Liar!!!
Disband this false en$#%&!@*y and prosecute all involved