In true Obama administration fashion, his Environmental Protection Agency sent representatives to testify at a House hearing on the massive Gold King toxic mine spill.
And they lied.
They lied about a doctored video on their website and they lied about the reason they were at the mine. Amazing, but it is very typical of this administration.
Imagine any private company doing this?
However, the EPA is completely unaccountable. Read more on this escalating disaster for the EPA and Obama on the next page.
what did you expect them to do the truth is not in them
All corupt
This company this organization I’m sorry it’s an organization could we pay out our butt for it needs to be resolved there nothing more than a pond in the bigger game and scheme of things we the people must shrink this organization and put it back into the hands of capable people are government has split itself and $#%&!@*d itself into such a monster it cannot control itself we must shrink it
What kind of garbled message that I’ll make it even simpler resolve this traders and infiltrators of our great country
We no longer need the EPA.
Obama and his administration are all into CYA
if anything she has said is proved to be a lie, try her for treason.
she need io be fire she is a moron
The government lies, I never thought that would be possible?