In true Obama administration fashion, his Environmental Protection Agency sent representatives to testify at a House hearing on the massive Gold King toxic mine spill.
And they lied.
They lied about a doctored video on their website and they lied about the reason they were at the mine. Amazing, but it is very typical of this administration.
Imagine any private company doing this?
However, the EPA is completely unaccountable. Read more on this escalating disaster for the EPA and Obama on the next page.
of course they lie. After all, obama put them thre, and his henceman always do what he says to do.
what is new? it seems that lying is an acceptable way to be. if we make all liar responsible for their lies, lying will go away!
They learned to lie from Obama
Time to downsize this Political Strong Arming
Of Politics
gubmunt organizations are not going to tell the truth when they make a mistake….ever.
I certainly will vote and donate to any candidate who reduces to oblivion many alphabet agencies. Slash EPA, HHS, DOE, NLRB, DOL. at the same time build up the only legitimate government agency – Department of Defense.
This admin has survived on lies–National 175 days not one thin dime has been spent, obummercare p$#%&!@*ed on lies, unemployment rate lies,Climate change lies, Benghzi lies, Fast & Furious lies. Kink gold spill lies. I’m sure there are more all we have to do is dig.
That’s all they know how to do…LIE!
I’ve got to say that, in this instance, this isn’t an Obama administration problem. Though, the Obama administration is known for blatantly lying. The EPA has always been a corrupt organization bent on taking away America’s freedoms, in order to “save the environment”. The EPA has always lied to Americans. That is pretty much all they have ever done.
Lies,lies, and more lies,get rid of the EPA,but it will never happen,now or for ever
And American people will still allow the EPA to exist. The entire EPA is a fraud. Americans are so stupid and brainwashed into believing one state or one country or even the work can stop global warming/climate change. Hahahahahaha all fraud and all to take your hard earned money.