Evidence has emerged proving that for decades the Environmental Protection Agency and Monsanto were both fully aware that glyphosate, a primary chemical used in Roundup, very likely caused cancer in mammals.
Recently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report showing a probable link between glyphosate and cancer based on the work of 17 cancer experts from 11 different countries.
Michael McLaughlin is a troll.
EPA is reactive. Enough people complain about something, the EPA will investigate and make a big fuss after the fact. We have the DER here in Pennsylvania, we don’y need you Federal Overpaid/Underworked Assholes to tell us how to keep our state clean. Gone with you, and take that atrocious budget waste of money with you.
Not unless it rained within 24hrs of application. But hell what do I know. I just spray 500 acres a year with it.
Roundup is pretty much the same as Agent Orange .
keep up the good work Monsanto
I think Monsanto should be labeled a terrorist company.
Google Monsanto, Agent Orange, Fort McClellan.
I’m sure they were paid to look the other way!!
Sue the EPA