Evidence has emerged proving that for decades the Environmental Protection Agency and Monsanto were both fully aware that glyphosate, a primary chemical used in Roundup, very likely caused cancer in mammals.
Recently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report showing a probable link between glyphosate and cancer based on the work of 17 cancer experts from 11 different countries.
Makes a nice drink
I am Licensed to spray in Pa and been around these chemicals for 22 years take cl$#%&!@*es every year i dont have 3 eyes no humps on my back no skin loss and look under Penn State you’ll see
Everyone has windex in ther cupboard thats more dangerous than any of these clorox also
Sue them if thy have knowen for that long the compony needs to be closed down
Obama’s tied at the hip pumping and humping manssato
There is cancer in the rural areas that was never there before. ic Cancer epidemic even after bhillions of dollars spent on research. Explain this Monsanto
The product s name says it all….
Sure does
Dont know bout monsanto we use Dow and nufarm and Bayer
If they government was trying to poison us, wouldn’t the most effective means be through drinking water?