Evidence has emerged proving that for decades the Environmental Protection Agency and Monsanto were both fully aware that glyphosate, a primary chemical used in Roundup, very likely caused cancer in mammals.
Recently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report showing a probable link between glyphosate and cancer based on the work of 17 cancer experts from 11 different countries.
It doesnt even kill weeds!
If U are doing a honest JOB, u should be able to support ur family, right Pro-Life Christian?
How about the other 70%?
Who choose who’s worthy or worthless? U or God?
I see Tim Philpot. Drank all the koolaid, only one side is evil and the other side is right and looking out for everyone?..your a fool man…
If we spent as much money on a cure as we do finding out everything causes Cancer, it wouldn’t matter. We know Sin causes it, find a cure.
profits before safety….the american way now…sad
No proof whatsoever that roundup causes cancer, unless you count one poorly written article that was retracted shortly after being released.
And there is some very skeptical, incidental evidence that has been cherry picked from bad studies that is related here
http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/widely-used-herbicide-linked-to-cancer/ and THAT was mainly for long term professional applicators. Who are taught to wear protective clothing and gear to minimize contact. Unlike any Joe homeowner killing weeds in his lawn wearing flip flops and shorts in a 30 mph wind
So what else is new?
Nope, only minimal, anecdotal connection to one kind of cancer, non hodgekins lymphoma. Screenings are getting better, diagnosed are getting better and people are living longer, thus upping their statistical chances of getting any kind of cancer.
Bernie Sanders has Heart & Soul agreement! Same messages for THE PEOPLE for 40 years. Hillary: Heart confusion (“learning moments” needs “to evolve”) and no Soul ($$$$$$). This defines the entirety of their political careers. Bernie is right; $15. CA & NY agree. Judgment comes from a leader, not a follower. Bernie leads the way for Hillary time and again with judgment. Hillary’s negative attention is divisive and has no place for progress. Bengazi, emails, paid speeches, being protested by grass roots orgs like Code Pink (for being a war hawk) and BLM (her racist past), and they are democrats! The GOP despise her more. When they start obstructing her uncomfortable, newly adopted progressive, Bernie-lite stances, she will default down to Obama 2.0 > Aim low, fail lower. She has less public service experience than Bernie, in and out of office, and less success crossing the aisle. Bernie earned a bi-partisan nick name “The Amendment King” while in the House for getting things done with both sides. Hillary’s bi-partisan nick name is “flip flop” = red flags smacking across your face. Worst of all, her experience / voting record is, frankly, atrocious. A ball & chain for progress. So vote with purpose and a semblance of understanding for judgment, qualifications, and a stellar record. Voting for gender and celebrity is shallow and portrays democrats as clueless simpletons. We are better than that.