In typical furtive fashion, the EPA has just dropped a massive regulation upon the coal industry right before Christmas. The EPA just finalized the nation’s first federal coal ash rule, which it states it did in response to the 2008 spill by the Tennessee Valley Authority in Kingston, TN after the company’s coal ash pond failed to contain the toxic waste.
Good news for us all!
Fu$k the epa
The EPA is the reason America has no jobs
The EPA is like the Whale Wars people right? They’re not a branch of government. Why does anybody listen to them?
ban the EPA….now
Just one more bad idea from our ruling party. The cost of energy is going to sky rocket. That’s just another way Obama is costing you more to live.The EPA needs to be eliminated and soon.
oh me I see a problem? How can you run a electric car with out plugin it into a coal fired plant? oh well its all c**p and we know it
I agree