In typical furtive fashion, the EPA has just dropped a massive regulation upon the coal industry right before Christmas. The EPA just finalized the nation’s first federal coal ash rule, which it states it did in response to the 2008 spill by the Tennessee Valley Authority in Kingston, TN after the company’s coal ash pond failed to contain the toxic waste.
Fuk the epa too much overreach
They pass these regulations when they think no one is paying attention either before a holiday or weekend!!!!
REMOVE the EPA and all those in it from life
EPA needs to be done away with! It is helping to destroy this country by their overreach!
EPA….they are being disbanded next year…for lack of interest….
Maybe the Ferguson pigs need to move on Epa the Government wont stop them.
Coal executives, done your Indian costumes and refuse to comply with these unconstitutional regulations! Environmental protection is a state’s sovereign responsibility, except on fed. govt land within a state!
strip the EPA of their extreme powers which thy are abusing
Dear lord what now don’t you know these people are trying to make a living?