In typical furtive fashion, the EPA has just dropped a massive regulation upon the coal industry right before Christmas. The EPA just finalized the nation’s first federal coal ash rule, which it states it did in response to the 2008 spill by the Tennessee Valley Authority in Kingston, TN after the company’s coal ash pond failed to contain the toxic waste.
Maybe it will prevent poisoning an entire River, and drinking water for most of the state!
Abolish most govt agencies with three letters and we’re good.
epa needs to be downsized to about 10 people,and why do they need guns?
They need to put the EPA out of busniss
They’re doing the same c**p they did in pre-commie Russia.
The EPA needs to be dismantled, just as the IRS, the UN, Federal Reserve, etc.
Rep get rid of epa now
Abolish the EPA. It is operating outside the boundaries of the Constitution
I’m tired of seeing that $#%&!@*s face
They need to be done away with