In typical furtive fashion, the EPA has just dropped a massive regulation upon the coal industry right before Christmas. The EPA just finalized the nation’s first federal coal ash rule, which it states it did in response to the 2008 spill by the Tennessee Valley Authority in Kingston, TN after the company’s coal ash pond failed to contain the toxic waste.
Just shut them all down for a week, after a week the people will have had enough of the environmentalists utopia.
The EPA is BS, They are a bureaucratic, and according to how much money you have to pay them off. is according to what an Industry can do, I’ve seen companies, Dump c**p that never should have been allowed !
Load up !
Abolish the EPA
evil , lawless, liars, and crooks,
Do we really need an EPA
shut down the EPA
we will all pay for this every month when we get our electric bills
Abolish the EPA..!!!
There goes our cheap power